Below is a list of officers for Axed Root. Feel free to contact them by email with any questions you have that are covered by their office. If you have a question that is not covered by an office listed below, contact the Seneschal.

Seneschal –
Honorable Lady Beatrix Bogenschutz
The Seneschal’s duties include many of the duties of a President in other organizations. The Seneschal is the legal representative for Axed Root and oversees public relations and contact with those outside the Society.
Axed Root Business Meeting Minutes (Google Drive Folder)

Chatelaine –
Vacant: Please contact the Seneschal for more information.
The Chatelaine is the Newcomer Coordinator for Axed Root and is in charge of helping new members integrate themselves within the Society. The Chatelaine also maintains Axed Root’s “Gold Key” collection (loaner items, such as garb or feast gear, for new members and guests).

Chancellor of the Exchequer –
Honorable Lord Giovanni Loredan
The Exchequer handles all financial matters for Axed Root. Their duties include most of the same duties as Treasurers in other organizations.
Axed Root Financial Policy and Procedures (last updated 12/8/2021)
Axed Root Annual Budget FY2024 (Approved 3 January 2024)
Axed Root Annual Budget FY2023 (Approved 16 November 2022)
Marshal –
Honorable Lord Visvamitra Yavana, known as Vim
The Marshal provides and oversees martial activities training for members of Axed Root and coordinates loaner armor for the use of new fighters.

Minister of Arts and Sciences –
Lady Soma Tyrvadottir
The Minister of Arts & Sciences is responsible for promoting all aspects of arts and sciences (A&S), including period-inspired creativity, scholarly research, and authentic research. Encourages the use of Medieval and Renaissance skills for A&S projects.

Herald –
Vacant: Please contact the Seneschal for more information.
The Axed Root Herald assists populace with researching and registering their SCA names and armory (coat of arms). In addition, the Herald maintains a list of awards earned by members and a group Order of Precedence and makes announcements at tournaments and courts.
The Axed Root Herald is a titled heraldic office within the Calontir College of Heralds, known as Sinister Herald. The title was modeled after an extinct French heraldic office known as Senestre Pursuivant. This French heraldic title is unclear in origin; it means “left,” and is used in common use and in heraldic terminology. Senestre served the seigneur of Castelbon.

Chronicler –
Vacant: Please contact the Seneschal for more information.
The Chronicler coordinates the publication of the Copse, the newsletter of Axed Root.

Webminister –
Honorable Lord Giovanni Loredan
The Webminister maintains and coordinates the internet presence of Axed Root.